Hangzhou Famous

Hangzhou Famous

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  • [Food] Offering a Sacrifice to the Ancestors on the Winter Solstice 日期:2017-07-08 16:33:11 点击:69 好评:0

    Offering a Sacrifice to the Ancestors on the Winter Solstice ...

  • [Food] Dumplings – A Taste of Chinese New Year 日期:2017-07-08 16:11:00 点击:92 好评:0

    Eating dumplings during Chinese New Year has been a popular and tasteful tradition that has prevailed all over China for hundreds of years....

  • [Food] Seasonal Snacks to Whet Your Appetite 日期:2017-07-08 16:06:58 点击:172 好评:0

    Autumn in Hangzhou is associated with many things but it is notably the season for osmanthus and for the Mid-autumn Festival. Osmanthus, the floral symbol of Hangzhou, has been extensively planted throughout the city and its eye-catching ap...

  • [Food] Niangao Festival - A Sweet Taste on New Year’s Day 日期:2017-07-08 15:55:12 点击:135 好评:0

    Niangao Festival - A Sweet Taste on New Year’s Day...

  • [Food] Hangzhou Food Culture 日期:2017-07-08 15:44:41 点击:82 好评:0

    Hangzhou Food Culture...

  • [Food] Hangzhou’s Top Chinese Snacks 日期:2017-07-08 14:50:20 点击:206 好评:0

    As the end of 2016 fast approaches various types of list appear which includes the 1st List of Chinese Top Snacks. ...

  • [Food] Where to Savour Best Pian Er Chuan Noodle Dish 日期:2017-07-08 14:11:56 点击:103 好评:0

    Like its culture, landscape and heritage, Hangzhou cuisine is also deep rooted in China’s history. Steeped in comfort and tradition, Hangzhou’s most famous dishes will surely satisfy any number of travelling taste buds....

  • [Food] Laba Festival 日期:2017-07-08 14:05:10 点击:95 好评:0

    This coming Laba Day, on Jan 5, Lingyin Temple will be handing out, at 120 points across Hangzhou, 3000 bowls of Laba congee for free and Lingyin Temple, itself, will be open to the public for free. ...

  • [Food] Lotus Root Introduction 日期:2016-10-22 21:43:53 点击:89 好评:0

    Origin: Lotus root is the fat root of a plant Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn., belonging to the lotus-lily family (Nymphaeaceae) of the water-lily order (Nymphaeales). This species is found in tropical and subtropical Middle East and Asia, from Eg...

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