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Middle Zhongshan Road – The Right Path to History

时间:2017-07-08 15:35来源:未知 作者:editor 点击:
Middle Zhongshan Road – The Right Path to History

In 2015 Middle Zhongshan Road has been recognized as one of the first historical blocks in China and the only one in Hangzhou to have been granted this honor. Rich in historical relics from the Song Dynasty (960-1279), religious architecture from the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), old-brands from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and banks from the period of Republic of China (1912-1949), a stroll along middle Zhongshan road will lead you on the right path to Hangzhou’s history.
    Stretching southwards from Guanxiangkou (官巷口) on Jiefang Road to Drum Tower (鼓楼) on Qinghefang Street, Middle Zhongshan Road has a history of one thousand years which began in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) when Hangzhou was then the capital. Over time the road has witnessed changes in the city and its people and for centuries has carried the memories of generations of Hangzhounese.
    A favorite since ancient times Zhongshan Road was, in the Southern Song Dynasty, the financial center of Hangzhou and was known at that time as being the widest, most vigorous and prosperous street in Hangzhou and was also dubbed ‘Imperial Street’ and ‘the Street to the Heaven’. In the Yuan Dynasty it attracted merchants from all over the world and during the period of Republic of China it was named 'the Wall Street of Hangzhou'.
     Today, a thousand years later, Zhongshan Road has evolved into a historical block collecting historical relics like the Phoenix Mosque, the old site of Zhejiang Xingye Bank and other classic building complexes dating from 1840 to 1949. Step back in time and take a walk along Middle Zhongshan Road – the right path to history.

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