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Longjing (Dragon Well) Green Tea

时间:2017-07-08 14:47来源:未知 作者:editor 点击:
The Chinese drink a lot of tea. They are mostly green tea drinkers. Some Chinese like black tea; others love jasmine tea. Jasmine tea is a kind of green tea, too, but it is green tea mixed with jasmine flowers. With its delicate flavor, it i

           Longjing, or to be exact, West Lake Longjing, is the name of one of the best green tea in China. It is grown only in the West Lake producing area in Hangzhou proper, while the other two Longjing producing areas are called the Qiantang area and the Yuezhou area respectively. Longjing green tea falls into different grades and the best comes from the first picking of the year. The first picking of tea occurs in  late March or early April. Tea picked after summer makes average tea, but its quality is not as good as the early pickings. Make no mistake though. Most green tea in China is both refreshing and flavorsome.

          Much of Longjing tea is processed by machine, but the best Longjing is done by hand in order to preserve its traditional qualities: fresh green, aromatic, sweetish, flat and smooth in appearance.
          Drinking Longjing is good for your health in so many ways. Beneficial for the eyes, as well as promoting digestion, it helps to remove excess fat. So if you want to start a weight loss program, you may be advised to include the drinking of green tea from Hangzhou. In terms of storage, tea must always be kept dry, or its quality will suffer. 

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