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Hangzhou Famous

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Hangzhou Specialty

时间:2016-10-22 21:47来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
Since ancient times, Hangzhou has been reputed for its production of silk and tea for trade. Here, visitors can find Longjing tea or Dragonwell tea, which is considered one of the best in China, exquisite silk brocades, as well as unique ha
Since ancient times, Hangzhou has been reputed for its production of silk and tea for trade. Here, visitors can find Longjing tea or Dragonwell tea, which is considered one of the best in China, exquisite silk brocades, as well as unique handicrafts and art pieces. Shopping in Hangzhou ranges from a traditional to a modern experience and there are several major shopping areas spread all over the city.

The most significant landmark in Hangzhou, the West Lake was named simply for its location - it was formed in the west of the city. Its history dates back to ancient times, when it was a water-logged bay formed by sediment deposits from the Qiantang River. Over the years, the lake was in danger of drying up and needed to be maintained by man-made methods. - See more at: http://en.gotohz.com/whyhangzhou/cultureandheritage/201307/t20130724_87158.shtml#sthash.yNtAVIpf.P3TBM2zE.dpuf
The most significant landmark in Hangzhou, the West Lake was named simply for its location - it was formed in the west of the city. Its history dates back to ancient times, when it was a water-logged bay formed by sediment deposits from the Qiantang River. Over the years, the lake was in danger of drying up and needed to be maintained by man-made methods.

Since ancient times, Hangzhou has been reputed for its production of silk and tea for trade. Here, visitors can find Longjing tea or Dragonwell tea, which is considered one of the best in China, exquisite silk brocades, as well as unique handicrafts and art pieces. Shopping in Hangzhou ranges from a traditional to a modern experience and there are several major shopping areas spread all over the city.   - See more at: http://en.gotohz.com/whyhangzhou/specialtysouvenirs/index_3.shtml#sthash.8VTiPaXb.dpuf
Since ancient times, Hangzhou has been reputed for its production of silk and tea for trade. Here, visitors can find Longjing tea or Dragonwell tea, which is considered one of the best in China, exquisite silk brocades, as well as unique handicrafts and art pieces. Shopping in Hangzhou ranges from a traditional to a modern experience and there are several major shopping areas spread all over the city.   - See more at: http://en.gotohz.com/whyhangzhou/specialtysouvenirs/index_3.shtml#sthash.8VTiPaXb.dpuf
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