Hangzhou Food Culture

As a well-known historical and cultural city, Hangzhou has sustained its own characteristic food culture. Dating back to the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), Hangzhou has developed its rich food culture. A variety of teahouses, wine shops, food shops and other catering services account for two thirds of the entire shop market.

Hangzhou Tea Culture Tour

Hangzhou, considered by some to be the tea capital of China, is home to the world-famous tea plantation for green tea, represented by Longjing Tea. Longjing Tea Plantation and Meijiawu Tea Plantation are both must-see tourist destinations for those wishing to experience the tea culture in Hangzhou.

China Fan Museum in Hangzhou

China Fan Museum was officially opened on 29, September, 2009. Located in Hangzhou, It is Chinese first top-class themed museum of fan exhibiting a variety of rare and treasured collections of fans, which in traditional China, used to represent a special status, superior educational background and the splendid self-cultivation.